Zakho Technical Institute

اهلاً وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم نتمنى منك التسجيل في المنتدى حتى تتمكن من مشاهدة المواضيع بالكامل وامكانية اضافة مواضيع جديدة

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

Zakho Technical Institute

اهلاً وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم نتمنى منك التسجيل في المنتدى حتى تتمكن من مشاهدة المواضيع بالكامل وامكانية اضافة مواضيع جديدة

Zakho Technical Institute

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تحية عطرة لكل الاعضاء المشاركين معنا والذين يودون المشاركة معنا ونتمنى لهم اطيب الاوقات في المنتدى

انتباه ..... انتباه ..... لقد تم اعطاء نقاط اضافية للكل وكل حسب نشاطه

انتباه الى كل الاعضاء والمشرفين الان بامكانكم اضافة ملفات الصور والاغاني وغيرها الى مواضيعكم عن طريق خدمة المرفقات وحاليا اقصى حد لحجم الملفات هو 100 كيلو بايت وترقبوا الجديد


    عضو جديد
    عضو جديد

    عدد الرسائل : 33
    العمر : 37
    من اقوال الفقهاء : العلم والأدب خير من كنوز الفضة والذهب
    الهواية : ELECTROSTATIC VOLTMETER Swimmi10

    نقاط : 85816
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/03/2009


    مُساهمة من طرف noore الأحد مارس 22, 2009 3:37 pm

    Many voltage measurement applications cannot be made using conventional contacting
    voltmeters because they require charge transfer to the voltmeter, thus causing loading and
    modification of the source voltage. For example, when measuring voltage distribution on a
    dielectric surface, any measurement technique that requires charge transfer, no matter how
    small, will modify or destroy the actual data. In these types of applications a new approach to
    voltage measurement is needed.
    An instrument that measures voltage without charge transfer is called an electrostatic
    voltmeter. A primary characteristic of an electrostatic voltmeter is that it accurately measures
    surface potential (voltage) on any kind of material without physical contact and therefore, no
    charge transfer and loading of the voltage source can occur.
    In practice, an electrostatic probe is placed close (1 mm to 5 mm) to the surface to be
    measured. The electrostatic voltmeter functions to drive the potential of the probe body to the
    same potential as the measured unknown. This achieves a high accuracy measurement that
    is virtually insensitive to variations in probe-to-surface distances, as well as preventing arcover
    between the probe and measured surface.
    Scientific, industrial, or research applications for Trek electrostatic voltmeter systems include:
    Research and development of electrophotographic processes
    Light decay measurements of photoreceptors
    High-speed measurements of photoreceptor characteristics
    Contact potential measurements
    Material evaluation
    Charge accumulation monitoring of LCD production processes
    Monitoring surface potentials in electrostatic painting processes
    Measuring electrostatic potential on polymers, rubber, fabrics, and paper
    Charge accumulation monitoring in clean rooms
    Radiation effect studies
    Measuring electrostatic potential on moving objects or surfaces


    To measure an unknown voltage on a test surface, the electrostatic probe is positioned close
    to the test surface at a spacing of approximately 1 mm to 5 mm. The sensitive electrode
    having a small surface area “views" the test surface through an aperture in the body of the
    probe. The use of a small area electrode and aperture serves to increase the spatial
    resolution of the probe to a relatively small area on the test surface. For the present
    explanation, we consider the surface under test to be a large conductive surface with a uniform
    potential. (Refer to block diagram below.)
    The probe housing is constructed of a conductive material which serves as a reference surface
    and is connected to the output of the high-voltage amplifier (A), which adjusts the voltage
    applied to the probe reference surface.
    The sensitive electrode is electromechanically vibrated to produce capacitive modulation
    between the electrode and the test surface. If the voltage of the test surface is different than
    the voltage of the reference surface (probe housing), the difference in voltage induces an AC
    signal on the electrode by modulating the capacitance between the electrode and test surface.
    The amplitude and phase (either 0° or 180°) of the AC signal are related to the magnitude and
    polarity of the voltage difference.
    The signal induced on the electrode is then fed to a preamplifier (B) in the probe.

    The amplified electrode signal and the output voltage of the oscillator (M) which drives the
    electromechanical modulator are connected to a phase sensitive demodulator whose output is
    a DC voltage whose magnitude and polarity are related to the difference in voltage.
    The signal from the phase sensitive demodulator is connected to the input of an integrating DC
    high-voltage amplifier (A), the output of which is the probe housing reference potential, which
    is thus driven toward the potential of the test surface.
    This process continues until the probe housing has been driven to the same potential as the
    potential on the test surface. At this point, the electrostatic field of the test surface will be
    reduced to zero. When the electric field has been nulled, the signal induced upon the
    electrode is reduced to zero, thereby reducing the demodulated signal to the integrating DC
    amplifier to zero. Thus the high-voltage amplifier (A) output and the probe housing are
    maintained at the potential of the test surface.
    The output of the high-voltage amplifier (A) is divided down to low voltage to drive buffer
    amplifier (C) for accurate monitoring and display of the measured electrostatic potential on the
    test surface.

    Trek Electrostatic Voltmeters accomplish voltage measurement without touching the surface
    under test. This technique ensures no charge transfer from the surface and therefore no
    modification of the measured voltage. This technique also permits measurements of voltages on moving surfaces.

    The patented design of Trek probes gives a large signal output to reduce noise and drift, and
    to maintain performance at wide probe-to-surface distances. In Trek probes, the electrode is
    located on a vibrating reed. This places the electrode in motion in the aperture, close to the surface for maximum signal output.
    The field-nulling technique for noncontacting measurement achieves DC stability and high
    accuracy even if the probe-to-surface spacing changes. This permits measurements on either
    stationary or moving surfaces without the need to establish a fixed spacing to maintain
    accuracy. In addition, arcing between the probe and test surface is avoided, even at very
    close spacings, due to this field-nulling technique.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس نوفمبر 14, 2024 10:36 pm